A moody and jaded vampire with a history of running away from all her problems. She's a lonely vampire who finds belonging in her makeshift coterie. While he is knowledgeable about vampire society due to her extensive history and experience, she is not very intelligent. She uses her charisma and looks to get by, She befriends Viv Weylin after losing her attractive appearance, seeking plastic surgery from the other vampire.
Focused on facts and science, the highly intelligent Viv Weylin is a doctor first and an artist second. One half of the Weylin Twins, Viv finds herself working for he infamous Edward Twilight to make him monsters including the 'Labia Ghoul'. She likes dad jokes and committing to the bit. She's the cleaner of the two twins, preferring to keep her lab clean. She specializes in bones (and plastic surgery).

All art used on this page is by my girlfriend zoppzoop!!
Ever since they interacted ONCE I've been unhealthily infauted with this stupid ship. I've written most of the fics for them on AO3 because I have a disorder and almost all of them are freakish in some way because one of them is a sadistic gorefreak doctor and the other has religious trauma.
I personally enjoy Viv's obsessive nature and Arthur's complex relationship with romance. Viv is the obsessive type and finds herself easily attached to things she finds beautiful whilst Arthur finds herself ugly and disgusting because of her monsterous appearance. Luckily for Arthur, Viv REALLY likes monsters.

I have a few series for the Viv/Arthur ship, including Magnet, a seven work series that follows Viv and Arthur as their FWB stress-relief situation becomes something a litle bit more (not romantic but not platonic). It's around 15k words and it IS explicit, so please don't read it if you do not want to see stuff like that.
I also have the fic I want to hold her so badly I could die, a fic for a Minibang JRWI event ran by my girlfriend (who also drew art for it), intertexts, and also by fiveminuterice on tumblr!!! It's about an obsessive Viv falling in love with her "muse", which is Arthur.