so what's a mey ?

i'm mey! a girlboyblogger who spends too long online despite having a social life somehow? i'm busy with school most of the time so i can't update this site as much as i'd like but i'll try.

i'm a leo born on august 17th- i don't really know what that means but there you go. i'm an esfj according to various tests, i have 3 younger siblings whom i care about deeply. i'm aplatonic and aromantic bisexual and i use all pronouns.

i've played more video games than i can count and i adore many including: guilty gear, pathologic, fear and hunger, disco elysium, half life, team fortress 2, stanley parable, bloodborne, we know the devil, silent hill 1, 2, 3, 4 and shattered memories, doki doki literature club, metal hellsinger, kyanta, vampire the masquerade, the path etc etc.

meow meow owned by mey 2022-2023 :3