Half Life is a 1998 FPS game made by Valve. Valve is known for their work such as Portal, Team Fortress 1+2, and of course Steam. You play as Gordon Freeman, who fights through Black Mesa Facilities as an event called the Resonance Cascade. The RC causes an alien species known as Xen to invade Earth.
As Freeman makes his way to the surface, he finds out that he is under attack by both the aliens and the HECU- a military force aiming to cover up the event. This includes killing all survivors. Throughout the game, you see a mysterious man named G-Man, who watches from the shadows.
Gordon eventually comes across the Nihlanth, a creature that he destroys and saves Earth from the Xenian invasion. As Gordon comes out of Xen, he comes across G-Man who puts him in a 20 year stasis for unknown reasons, before the game ends.
Half Life had a few spin-offs in something called the GearBox. This includes:
- Half Life: Blue Shift
- Half Life: Decay
- Half Life: Opposing Force
i've been going through the harrowing goal of playing and 100%'ing all half life games. i guess when it comes to mainline half life games0 I FINISHED IT A WHILE AGO but I wanted to say something here. let me list them.
- Half Life
- Half Life Blue Shift
- Half Life Opposing Force
- Half Life Uplink
- Half Life Day One (considered different due to the mere kb differences)
- Half Life 2
- Half Life 2: Episode 1
- Half Life 2: Episode 2
- Half Life 2: Lost Coast
half life 1 is still my favorite half life game due to just how tight and good it is. half life 2 is brilliant, don't get me wrong but there's something beautiful about half life 1. it's a short experience yet it was one of the best i've ever played (except the xen parts.) I really adore half life one, it has a brilliant soundtrack, a really really good tight story and almost everything about it is a damn near perfect game. TOP TIER. AMAZING GAME. EPIC EPIC EVER I LOVE IT SO GOOD YAY
half life blue shift was great, it was just more half life 1 which i needed. the xen parts were actually fun too which was wild!! xen?? fun?! that's insane!! ALSO I suppose barney calhoun is one of my all time favorties... so I liked it. good game overall, kinda just half life one point five to me.
half life uplink and day one were fun i mean its just more half life 1. i finished hl uplink actually during theater lmao... it was on our pc through the browser i remember playing it through projector when i was alone IT WAS SO FUNNY.
half life 2... what to say about it that hasn't been said? one of the best games of all times with one of the most charming characters to ever exist (alyx... and barney too i love him sooo much!)
i really love alyx. i'm going to copy paste this from my tumblr actually wait
Ok so! Alyx Vance. Is maybe one of my favorite characters? Ok let me explain. When I was 12, I had a major surgery where I was in the hospital for 2 weeks and bedridden for a month at home. I was horribly lonely and I loved doing track and field and parkour and shit and I couldn't... What kept me company during these hard times> Specifically Half Life and L4D. These two franchises were what I obsessively watched. As a girl at the time and a poc, Alyx stood out to me because a female poc who?? Is really silly and goofy and has personality? No way...? I latched onto her at age 12, but once I got back into school I stopped obsessing over Half Life, but for that 1 month and 2 weeks she literally was my main personality trait in a time where I was recovering from a traumatic surgery that left me with a 12 inch scar on my stomach. Coming back to half life in 2021 made me realize I am still the 12 year old girl who fell in love with Alyx Vance and related to her...
so alyx really means a lot to me fuck. episode 1 and episode 2 was amazing because i got to spend more time with her and honestly she just... means a lot to me and always has. i guess part of me forgot her for a while when i got back into half life. mostly because i was so obsessed with barney and gordon but coming back to it a year later, alyx just means fucking everything to me.
I also really love barney- I have a small thing written for him as well.
God. imagine. living through something only eleven people lived through. the fucking Resonance Cascade right? and now imagine living through the seven hour war. something everyone was fucked up with. double trauma! you were just a normal fucking guy and all of a sudden everything around you falls apart and you're suddenly thrust into protecting a handful of scientists and yourself. you're a protector, a security guard, that's what you do. protect people- and the only way to protect people is to go undercover, to hurt the same exact people you try and protect for the greater good. and sometimes you wonder, sitting there. alone at night. "Why aren't I the one who's dead?" why didn't you die, why did God deem you worthy to live through horrors that people a million times more talented shouldve lived through. (Gordon, your depressed mind supplies. your friend, a colleague, a best friend maybe. even more depending on the interpretation) and yet you're alive, you. useless. barney Calhoun.
no matter how much you try. the people you hurt still echo in your brain, their screams and begs for mercy. and yet you grin and bare it because you're helping the resistance, helping fight against your fascist alien dictators by… helping them. you're undercover. and finally. finally your friend, Gordon is back and yet— he's barely aged. he hasn't seen the horrors you have. you've just barely moved on from his death, and depending on the interpretation, barely moved on from the love you felt for the guy. maybe it was One-sided or it was a real, genuine, connection. either way, he's back, and your life has fallen apart again. and yet you grin and bear it because you're Barney Calhoun and everyone relies on you.
can you even love Gordon after that? can you be a friend or a lover? could you be the person he expected you to be when you're no one but a monster, someone who's tortured and killed thousands of innocents and for what?! the "greater good", pathetic really. you can't love. you can't form attachments. your job as civil protection says you can't, what if they get hurt?! having attachments are a liability to being undercover. (You start to care. care for alyx, care for Gordon, you care and you can't do that. you don't deserve their time or love, since you're a bad person and they're good). yet again. they save the world. and you sit there, a side character, watching as everyone around you are paraded as good. maybe you are too. but the deep, ugly, gross part of you says you aren't good. aren't a hero. your good doesn't outweigh the bad. and yet. you grin and bear it because you are Barney Calhoun, born and made to serve and protect.
Save me barney calhounnn,,, save meeeE
lost coast was just gorgeous. fuck, it had a wonderful set and i wish we got to explore it more. geniunely, i fell in love with a seaside town for 20 minutes and it was... it was great. i geniunely adore lost coast for what it is and wish we got more.
Half Life Blue Shift follows a security guard named Barney Calhoun as he goes the Resonance Cascade. Being one of the shorter games in Half-Life, many find it to be the weakest. However I love Barney Calhoun he is the Love Of My Life I am in love with all the main protaganists but Barnabus Calhoon is my husband. You play through essentially, the everyman. Gordon is a superpowered monster, and all the other characters have something that make them special. Barney has his common sense and he makes it through Black Mesa through sheer luck and being the best character.
Opposing Force is deemed equal to, or better, than HL1 due to it’s unique mechanics and really creative story. You play as HECU officer Adrian Shepard as he fights through a SECOND alien force. He is also in G-Man’s basement.
Decay, you play as Gina Cross and Colette Green. Lesbians! Multiplayer game!
Half Life 2’s plot summary is a work in progress.
I also plan to add information about Portal, Entropy Zero, Half Life Beta, Epistle 3, CODENAME GORDON, HL: ALYX (alyx is my wife i love her so fucking much) and much more!
If you want one of the best sources for Half Life Lore, I cannot recommend enough Skyrioon's Half Life Playlist and especially his Half Life and Portal Combined Timeline!!

There are many Half Life series on youtube, many of which have their own fandoms. The accumlated versions of all half life series is called the Freemanvese. Imagine the Sans AU of Half Life. I love the Freemanverse so freaking much I'm exploding and dying over how much I love it.
Half Life VR AI is a Half Life Comedy series done by WayneRadioTV and his group of friends including, but not limited to, HollowTones, Socpens, MasterGir and Bauulp. The plot of this is what if Half Life 1 was in VR and the AI, played by Wayne’s friends, were all alive and sentient. The cast includes many unique characters, all of which are beloved.Our main character is Gordon “Martini” Freeman (sometimes referred to as Feetman) and his friends Bubby, Benrey, Tommy Coolatta, Coomer, and Darnold. Sometimes you might see his son, Joshua, mentioned. I love them all and this is what got me into the Freemanverse so thank you HLVRAI for existing mwah mwah. It’s completely separate from HL Canon and is enjoyable WITHOUT knowing Half Life.
Alright it’s Freeman’s Mind time. Freeman’s Mind is a Machinma series made by Ross Scott. The protagonist is, you guessed it, the titular and infamous Gordon Freeman except this time he’s a bit insane :3. You listen to his thoughts as he goes more and more insane trying to make sense of anything. Freemind has a bit of a god complex and really really needs therapy please Freemind you need THERAPY. This series drives me insane and crazy because Freemind is such a well written silly goofy guy (lie). The Freeman’s Mind series spawned an entire series called… the MINDVERSE!!!
Oh god Barney’s Mind… you ever watch something, realize you relate to someone in the worst way, and then name yourself after him? That’s me. You follow… Barmey Calhoun in Black Mesa. Okay, so you know how Freemind is this badass one eyed dude who’s cool and shit? What if Freemind listened to dubstep Tetris and was pathetic and sad but in a different way? That’s Barmey and god dear lord above it’s amazing. Barmey Calhoun world’s most pathetic man ever. If Freemind used 4Chan instead of drugs.
Arlen’s Mind! So, Arlen is a silly guy. I really don’t know how to describe him other than wet dog of a man who goes to hot topic and wears eyeliner. He’s a pessimistic dude who spends most of it being exhausted (he is the world’s sleepiest guy) and looking for Kate. I have so many thoughts about him I want to kiss him in the face and then kick him he’s so weird and listen- none of the mind guys are very describable okay YOU HAVE to watch them to understand them. Also his name is TJ “Tod Joby” Arlen. HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM SHAKING YOU BITING YOU
This entire section is a work in progress! I’m super sleepy right now so I’ll add some more soon but I plan on adding: Half Life Google Translate, Eddie’s Mind, Mind of Ryan, Stark’s Mind, information about Half Life Full Concequences, Gorgeous Freeman and MOREEEE :3