alien breaking it down sensitive style breakdance cat OC BOY teto


i fucking love gore. i'm sorry i have to say it I THINK IT'S FUCKING AWESOME AND I LOVE HOW IT LOOKS. it might make me edgy but it's ok. i have friends who enable me and that's all that matters (shout out to ***n and l*** you are wonderful.)

I've written my fair share of gore and i've drawn quite a bit too- just so you know i am not a fake gore fan #iloveeroguro. anyways, check out my gory jrwi fics here. I am abnormal about gore and have even created a few events in different fandoms that center around gore... I love it when blood... this is all to say, I'm not a fake gore fan ok i am a freak a weirdo and i think gore is hot I SAID IT HERE OKAY!!!

my favorite gore medias are higurashi, saya no uta, the suckening (god help me), repo the genetic opera and fear and hunger... pathologic too!

Eroguro Manifesto

I've been meaning to talk about my adoration for Eroguro for a while now, and I suppose now's the best time more than ever. Eroguro to me, is a rather unique and fun genre that (if it isn't obvious by now) is one of my favorite genres of art. I've done a lot of research on the history of eroguro and have read a few eroguro classics myself. Eroguro means erotic grotesque and is a japanese artistic genre that focuses on topics like blood, sex, violence and decadance. It's actually quite difficult to find papers and articles about eroguro that's not just calling it disgusting freak shit because to me, it is the most inherent anti-censorship an artform can get. I firmly believe that all art deserves to exist, even if I do not personally like nor endorse it because I am not the morality police- any and all art should be allowed to exist even if the morality is dubious. That is to say- I will find people a freak for making specific things but I don't have the power to say what is and isn't allowed in media. On a governmental level I am very anti-censorship. What I write is dubious and oftentimes disturbing and gross to many which is fine. You're allowed to find eroguro weird but saying art like it shouldn't exist is absurd and incredibly close-minded. Things like eroguro exist to express the more morbid parts of humanity that are shunned because it's "weird" and not societally acceptable.

Eroguro was made to fight against japanese censorship, and I suppose that's my favorite thing about eroguro. The anti-censorship message of the entire thing and the freedom to write things as disgusting as you'd like is rather freeing in a world where there's a huge issue with "hey, am i a bad person if i enjoy xyz in media?" you aren't! i know, crazy.

A few of my favorite research papers on eroguro are actually about how it was created to fight against the sexual repression of japanese culture. In general, sexual repression is something i try to fight against. Again, enjoying vivisection and other paraphilias in fiction does not equal who you are in person. in general, i greatly appreciate erotic literature as a genre and my current read is the story of eye which is an erotic novella that focuses on sexual repression in the french 1920s. if you like eroguro, i highly suggest you do research on erotic literature in general because i find it incredibly facsinating. also the difference between erotic literature and erotica is that erotic lit focuses on eros as a concept whereas erotica focuses more on sex. as someone who was very heavily sexually repressed for a very long time, being able to freely express things i am interested in has been freeing. Im able to talk about my sexual desires, enact on them and feel things that otherwise might be taboo despite everyone feeling it.

anyways, that is to say, the intestines are the hottest part of the body.

would you let me dissect you?

